Monday, November 21, 2011

Custom Kitchen Cabinets 06

Kitchen And Bathroom Renovation : Custom Kitchen Cabinets 06

How to Build & Install a Wall Cabinet 03

Center the face frame on the cabinet so the slight overhang on each side is equal and the top edge of the bottom rail is flush with the bottom shelf surface. Attach the face frame with glue and 2" finish nails driven through pilot holes.

Finish the cabinet. Sand all wood surfaces, and then apply wood stain (if desired) and two or three thin coats of polyurethane or other topcoat material. Use tinted wood putty that matches the color of the stained wood to fill nail holes.

Mark a level reference line on the wall where the bottom edge of the cabinet will be located—54" above the floor is a standard height. Locate the wall studs and mark their locations beneath the reference line.

Attach a temporary ledger strip to the wall studs so the top edge is flush with the reference line using screws.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I love your kitchen cabinets pictures and the design and technique you have shown in the picture are really nice.
    Custom kitchen cabinet


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